I like to think this is also true for my little toy shop and website, and that they too have evolved.
I have always been an animal and nature lover, and given my life again, maybe I would have ended up working with animals, rather than as a Pensions Analyst, although I love a spreadsheet!
For the 7 years I have had my little shop, I have loved it, but I don’t want it to feel like any other toy shop. It may be small, but I want it bursting with all things relating to wildlife, nature, and the amazing world we are lucky to share with them.
As a child, I had many pets, a dog, cat, rabbits, guinea pig, hamster, and fish. I remember spending time with our beautiful cocker spaniel, often sitting in her dog basket chatting to her, dogs are great listeners! Today, I have a pet cat, Poppa who I also find myself chatting away to, I think my daughter and partner think I am slightly mad.
Over the years I’ve had many fond wildlife-related memories.
A standout one for me was an encounter with an orangutan whilst trekking in Sumatra it was Christmas Day back in 2006. We had set off with our guide, hopeful that we would see some orangutans. After some time, walking along a narrow-trodden pathway, there she was a beautiful orangutan sitting on the low branches of a tree. We slowly and quietly walked by her, I was in complete ore of her. Then I suddenly felt heavy, she had decided to grab a hold of me and was now on my back. As she swung around to my front, we saw a little arm, and it was at this point we realised she had a baby cuddled into her. I’m not going to lie, I did feel a bit nervous with her big teeth in my face, and her incredibly tight grip on my waist and arms, but boy what a cuddle! A Christmas Day and animal encounter I will never forget.
On the same trip, I completed my PADI in Thailand, which opened the amazing world under the sea to me. Dives with an array of fish, coral, reefs, sharks and manta rays, all fantastic experiences. On a recent holiday, we were lucky to encounter sting rays and turtles whilst snorkelling.
Another animal I found amazing to see was a moose, my parents lived in Canada for 5 years from my late teens, and it was on a visit to them we went to the beautiful Algonquin Park. We were coming out of our lodge, to follow the pathway into the forests, when I saw the moose strolling along, what a sight, and so much bigger than I expected. The whole place buzzing with wildlife, birds, chipmunks, beavers, and even bears. It’s one of the world’s beautiful places, and I still dream of returning to one day….
I could go on for pages, but I won’t, thank you for getting this far if you are still reading, maybe you are an animal fan like me?
Over the last couple of years, bit by bit, I have introduced many new products from other independent businesses, and people whose products I really love. It’s still a work in progress but I want my shop space and website to be a treasure trove full of all things animal, and nature related, with a few dinosaurs and maybe some unicorns thrown in!
I hope you have liked the changes so far and will love those to come.
Charlotte x
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